
Bosanske piramide

Organizira: Lili studio
Kdaj: 7. septembra ob 16:00 do
15. septembra 2022 ob 12:00
Organizira:Lili studio

549 ogledov

Bosanske piramide so generatorji energije. Težko je opisati, kakšen je stik z njimi, saj na vsakega vplivajo na edinstven način. Oddajajo energijo, ki te odpira in očisti na fizičnem, mentalnem in čustvenem nivoju.

Obdane so z neokrnjeno, divjo naravo in tako podpirajo tvoj občutek svobode. Piramide te bodo prizemljile in spomnile, da si del človeštva in našega čudovitega planeta.

Energije, ki so prisotne v tunelih in portalih okrog piramid – sakralna geometrija, elektromagnetizem, ultrazvok 28 kHz, Teslova torzijska polja na vrhu Sončeve piramide, Shumanova resonanca (7,83 Hz) – močno vplivajo na naše psihofizične in duhovno zdravje in imajo pomembno vlogo pri ustvarjanju harmonije na planetu.

Na našem potovanju bomo raziskovali in se uglasili z vsemi portali na piramidah in okoli njih ter poglobljeno raziskovali njihove tunele, ki so znani po visoki koncentraciji negativnih ionov (50.000/cm3).
Kakovost zraka in popolna tišina v tunelih pomagata krepiti imunski sistem telesa, lajšata simptome kroničnega stresa, podpirata čustveno telo pri predelovanju žalosti in drgih zahtevnih čustvenih izzivov.
Piramide nam dajejo priložnost, da nadgradimo svoj celoten sistem in opustimo vse, kar ni več naše. Skozi to izkušnjo vas bo vodila mojstrica, ki natančno pozna delovanje portalov in vas lahko vodi neposredno skozi izkušnjo, katera vam je namenjena.

Potovanje bo vključevalo tudi učenja o skrivnostih starih civilizacij in temeljih na katerih je zgrajena sedanjost. Po našem individualnem delu na vsakem portalu bomo izvajali globalno delo za ves planet in človeštvo.

Poleg dela na sebi in celem planetu bo dovolj priložnosti tudi za raziskovanje države, njene bogate kulture, zgodovine in spoznavanje čudovitih ljudi, ki tam živijo.

Vabimo te, da se odpreš za novo izkušnjo, za skupinsko dinamiko in raziskovanje kulture in narave.
Skupina bo relativno majhna, tako da bomo lahko delovali v močni enotnosti predaje in zaupanja.
Če se čutiš poklican/-a k temu, da se nam pridružiš, nas kontaktiraj za več podrobnosti o potovanju.


Piramide so preučevali znanstveniki, ki so odkrili različne vrste energije, ki jih lahkouporabljamo za naše notranje delo in služenje materi zemlji ter človeštvu. Za podrobnejši opis znanstvenih dognanj na strani si oglej povezavo:


Cena potovanja je 1280 €

Cena vključuje program, vse vstopnine in nastanitev z zajtrkom v apartmajih Mali Raj. Lokacija je vrhunska, v naravi, le nekaj minut stran od tunelov in vrha Sončeve piramide. Stroški prevoza niso vključeni.

Potovanje bosta vodili in podprli Božena Stojanovič in Lili Gavrilović.
Srečati se in delati z Boženo je edinstvena izkušnja. Odprto srce z
veliko radosti in smeha. Težko je opisati tako izkušnjo ker presega svet besed.

Vtisi od udeležcev prejšnjega potovanja:

"Biti v Boženini družbi je pravi privilegij in veselje, je zelo intuitivna in vodena. Bosanske piramide so tako energijsko močne, da sem učinke čutila še več tednov po tem. Čutila sem, da mi je delo
znotraj te energije odprlo nekaj res globokih vpogledov in ko so se ta vrata odprla in tančica dvignila, so postali zelo močni. Zelo priporočam obisk bosanskih piramid." R.

»Po večkratnem obisku visoških piramid, je bil tokratni nepreičakovano in presentljivo drugačen. Z mojstrskim vodstvom Božene Stojanović, so se mi odprle nove dimenzije dela na globalnem nivoju, dela na portalih, sveta meditacije, ter notranjih uvidov. S pravim vodstvom res prideš na prave poti, ki te odprejo in podprejo na življenski poti. Prebuditev starodavnih znanj, ki jih nosijo piramide, so pa darilo za celo človeštvo. Hvala za profesionalno izvedeno delo Božene in Lili. Ž«

English text below:

Join us on an energy-shifting and purifying journey to the Bosnian pyramids.

The Bosnian pyramids are the generators of energy. Visiting them is an experience that is hard to describe because it affects everybody in a unique way.

The energy emanating from them is opening and purifying on a physical, mental, and emotional level. They stand surrounded by pristine, wild nature, so they support your sense of freedom. They ground you and remind you that you are a part of humanity and our beautiful planet.

The energies present in tunnels and portals in the construction of pyramids - sacral geometry, electromagnetism, 28 kHz ultrasound, Tesla torsion fields on top of Sun Pyramids, Shuman resonance (7,83 Hz) - have a strong impact on our psychophysical and spiritual health and an important role in creating harmony on the planet.

On our journey, we will explore and tune in to all the portals on and around the pyramids and we will deeply explore their tunnels, which are known for high concentrations of negative ions (50,000/cm3). The atmosphere and total silence in the tunnels help with strengthening the immune system of the body, relieving the symptoms of chronic stress, and supporting the emotional body to deal with grief, sadness, and other difficult emotional challenges.

The pyramids give us an opportunity to upgrade our whole system and let go of everything that is not ours anymore. You will be guided through this experience by a master, who knows exactly how the portals work and who can lead you directly through the experience that is destined for you.

The journey will also include teachings about mysteries of old civilizations and the foundations they set for the time in which we live now. After our inner work on every portal of element energy, we will be guided to do Global Service for the whole planet and humanity.

With all the work on yourself and the whole planet, you will also have an opportunity to explore the country, its rich culture, history, and get the know the beautiful people that live there.

We invite you to open yourself to a new experience, for group dynamics, and to explore the culture and nature.
The group will be relatively small so we can work in a strong unity of surrender and trust.
If you feel called to do this, please contact us and we will present you with more details about the journey.
The pyramids have been studied by scientists who discovered different kinds of energy, that we can use for our inner work and service on a global level for mother earth and humanity.

For more detailed description of scientific findings at the site, please refer to the link below:


The price of this journey is € 1280, transportation cost is not included.
The journey is international and will be held in English, if all the participants come
from Slovenia, it will be held in Slovene.
The price includes the program, all the entrance fees and accommodation with breakfast at Mali Raj apartments (The location is top-notch, in the nature, only a couple of minutes away from the tunnels and the top of the Sun pyramid.)

The journey will be guided and supported by Božena Stojanović - living master and Lili Gavrilović.
Meeting and working with Božena is a very unique experience. Instant heart opening, a lot of joy and laughter. It is truly difficult to put it in words simply because the experience is beyond vocabulary.

Contact us:

"Being in Bozena’s company is a real privilege and delight, she is highly intuitive and guided. The Bosnian pyramids are so energetically powerful that I felt the effects for many weeks after. I felt that working within this energy opened me up to some really profound insights and once these gates opened and the veil lifted
they have become very strong. I would highly recommend visiting the Bosnian pyramids." R.

"After several visits to the Bosnian pyramids, this time was unexpectedly and noticeably different. With the masterful guidance of Božena Stojanović, new dimensions of work on a global level, work on portals, the world of meditation, and inner insights opened up for me. With the right guidance, you really get on the right paths that open and support you on your life's path. The awakening of the ancient knowledge that the pyramids carry is a gift for all of humanity. Thank you for the professionally executed work of Bozena and Lili. " Ž



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