
MOČ DOTIKA - Dearmouring workshop

Organizira: Lili studio
Kdaj: 10. decembra ob 11:00 do
11. decembra 2021 ob 18:00
Organizira:Lili studio

74 ogledov

V decembru, ki ga zaznamuje predvsem zaziranje vse in odpiranje bolj mističnim aspektom življenja, pripravljamo izjemno delavnico, v kateri se bomo učili moči dotika. Delavnica je primerna za pare ali posameznike in posameznice, ki želijo v sebi odkriti moč ljubečega in zdravilnega dotika.

PETEK 10.12.
18ih - 21h
Začeli bomo z otvoritvenim krogom povezovanja. Aktivirali bomo svoje dlani, spoznali svoj energetski potencial in se povezali s skupinskim dihanjem za aktivacijo prane.

SOBOTA 11.12.
11ih - 18h
Začeli bomo s spoznavanjem dotika in se učili, kako ga uporabiti kot primarno orodje za odpiranje telesa. Spoznavanje svojih novih veščin bomo utrdili z ritualom pretočnosti in senzualnosti.
Sledilo bo povezovanje v dinamiki parov, kjer bomo odkrivali svoje meje in se povezovali z željo po prebujanju in odpiranju telesa.

Na poti dotika si bomo pomagali z močjo petih elementov ter višjo vibracijo divine spirita. Uporabljali bomo vse čute in čutila ter pri procesu osvajali veščino dela z glasom in zvokom.

Sledila bo kratka pavza za čaj, sadje in oreščke.

Zaključni del bomo posvetili zavestnemu občutenju vsega, kar nam je praksa prinesla. Poglobili se bomo v novo zaznavanje dotika in ozavestili občutek pretočnosti in povezanosti s seboj in z drugimi. Predvsem pa bomo ponotranjili dejstvo, da nam dotik kot najbolj primaren občutek pripada.

Delavnica ni učenje masažnih tehnik, temveč edinstvena priložnost za spoznavanje moči dotika, za učenje kako se zavestno prepustiti dotiku, kako izraziti željo in kako vrniti energije v telo. Največ blokad in zaprtost telesa občutimo kot bolečino ali zategnjenost, kar pomeni, da energija ne more steči v te dele telesa.
Aktivirali bomo prano in se naučili z njo aktivirati svoje dlani in sebe, se prepustiti drugemu v ljubeči naravni vir odpiranja in čutnosti, senzualnosti, mehkobe. Spoznavali bomo moč misli in se učili kako ostati v meditativnem občutku med samim sprejemanjem in dajanjem zavestnega dotika.

Na delavnici te čakajo dragocena orodja za življenje, katere lahko postopoma poglobiš in izpopolniš.
Dotik pa bo z delavnico postal tvoja primarna higiena in hrana za nadaljnji stik s seboj, bližnjimi in s kolektivom.
PRIDI V PARU, S PRIJATELJICO, PRIJATELJEM ALI SAM/SAMA (na delavnici bomo poskrbeli, da boste imeli vsi osebo za delo v paru)

Kaj potebuješ?
- 2 veliki brisači (lahko tudi dve rjuhi)
- 1 sarong (dotik bo zajemal celo telo, zato boste lahko po želji tudi goli)
- steklenico vode
- malico
- obilico dobre volje in pripravljenost telesa za nova znanja , ki se bodo vpisala globoko v telo
- Zvezek in pisalo
Stekleničko senzualnega olja vam podarimo na delavnici.
CENA € 165 / cena za par € 300
Akontacija 65 ali 50 eur nepovratne rezervacije, ostalo na dan delavnice.
Število mest je omejeno.
Rok prijave do 7.12 oz do zapolnitve mest
December 10 - December 11 2021
Touch is one of the most healing things in the world. The power of conscious, intentional, and open touch can help us transform blockages or sadness from our bodies. In December, when we dedicate our time to looking within and opening to more mystical aspects of life, we are preparing an exceptional workshop in which we will learn the power of touch. The workshop is suitable for couples or individuals who want to discover the power of loving and healing touch.

FRIDAY 10.12.
18h - 21h
We will start with connecting opening circle. We will activate our palms, realize our energy potential, and connect through group breathing to activate our prana.

11 - 18h

We will start by learning about touch and learning how to use it as a primary tool for opening the body. We will test our new skills with a ritual of fluidity and sensuality.
This will be followed by connecting in the dynamics of couples, where we will discover our boundaries and connect with the desire to awaken and open the body.
We will explore the power of the five elements and the higher vibration of the divine spirit. We will use all the senses and master the skill of working with voice and sound.
This will be followed by a short break for tea, fruit, and nuts.
We will dedicate the final part of the workshop to a conscious feeling of everything that the practice has taught us. We will delve into a new perception of touch and become aware of the feeling of fluidity and connection with ourselves and others. Above all, we will internalize the fact that touch belongs to us as the most primary feeling.
The workshop is not about learning massage techniques, but a unique opportunity to learn about the power of touch, to learn how to consciously receive the touch, how to express desire and how to return energy to the body. Most blockages in the body are felt as pain or tightness, which means that energy cannot flow into these parts of the body.
We will activate prana and learn how to use it to activate our palms and bodies. We will learn how to surrender to another in a loving natural source of opening and sensuality and softness.
We will learn about the power of thought and learn how to stay in meditative feeling while accepting and giving a conscious touch.

You will learn amazing techniques and gain an in-depth knowledge about energy and touch at the workshop, which you can gradually deepen and perfect.
With the workshop, touch will become your primary practice and a beginning for further contact with yourself, your loved ones, and others.

COME WITH YOUR PARTNER, WITH A FRIEND, OR ALONE (at the workshop we will make sure that you all have a person to work in pairs)

What do you need?
- 2 large towels (or two sheets)
- 1 sarong (we will work with the whole body, so you can also be naked if you wish)
- a bottle of water
- snack
- an abundance of joy and an open body that is readys for new knowledge
- Notebook and pen
We give you a bottle of sensual oil at the workshop.
PRICE € 165 / price for a couple € 300
Advance payment 65 or 50 eur non-refundable reservation, the rest on the day of the workshop.
The number of places is limited.
Application deadline is 7.12. or until the places are filled.



Dearmouring poseže v emotivno plast telesa in pomaga izluščiti in odpraviti vse čustvene blokade ali oklepe, ki smo si jih pridelali od rojstva naprej. Dearmouring močno vpliva na...
