
Retreat with Master

Organizira: Lili studio
Kdaj: 3. januarja ob 16:00 do
24. januarja 2022 ob 16:00
Prispevek:2200 €
Organizira:Lili studio

162 ogledov


* Joy and pleasure * Celebration of
life * Service on global level * Cosmic
purpose * Three weeks of direct
contact with the sourc.

The journey is very strong and demanding. It is not
an all inclusive sightseeing holiday. We are going
to experience the beauty of Egypt from a totally
different perspective. 

Every day is going to be a unique and universal
experience, upgraded according to your level of
openness. Everyone will get their own challenge.
Maybe you will work on yourself and do the
purification and healing, maybe you will work for
others and for cosmic purpose. The group will be
small and colorful.

Egypt is a land of joy and its chakra is the
solar plexus. We are going to work on solar
plexus intensively and through that we will
gain spiritual light of solar plexus. We will
be acquainted with the new way of work on
a global level. We will create a flow, dance
between work and pleasure - joy. When we
say work we mean prayers, meditations,
opening of the portals, opening chakras, self
observing, receiving the guidance …

We will experience joy through meeting local
people and communities, cruising on river
Nile, one of the strongest rivers on the earth,
and visiting bazaars …

There will be plenty of time for relaxation,
yoga, swimming and exploring whatever you
want to explore.

Egypt is directly supporting the physical
body and so it supports shedding of the ego
and with this it opens the spiritual heart.
This is a very important essence. Without a
spiritual heart activated, one will always just
take the path of karma.

We will practice devotion and gratitude.
We will meet the masters Thoth and
Hathor and many more.
We will at all times have our own local guide
who will take care of our journey’s needs.
We will experience various levels of
accommodation from very luxurious hotels
with pools to small local hidden gems
that bring a sense of unpredictability and
adventure to it.

We are looking for devoted, stable
personalities who are able to
surrender to guidance, with a high
level of responsibility, with much love
for humankind and mother earth. The
ones that are interested and able to
support healing on a global level. If
this is you, you are welcome aboard.
We are not going to practice illusionary new
age mumbo jumbo. This journey will be guided
by a true master and this is serious work.

We will work on portals, energy centres –
chakras and the nervous system of Earth and
special created healing places. We start with
opening the path from the backbone of the
human body, place of new birth, and continue
work through all our energy centres and
finish work with the crown chakra, opening of
Golden path. We will work on purification and
awakening of Kundalini and Shakti – Path of
female spiritual purpose. Also through special
portals we will do work on balancing Opposites
– path of dualism, by practice of finding Perfect
Three in One. We will connect with our and
global level higher and lower self, overcome
fear and negativity of ego and activate Spiritual
heart – consciousness of heart.

Through all this path we will learn how to
participate in the Service on Global level –
Cosmic purpose, serving Mother Earth and
Humanity with our own qualities in one new
way. Joy and celebration is the path of change.
Inner work and service on
global level with a lot of joy
and celebration.

If you are interested in this experience
contact us and we will conduct an interview
to establish if you are suitable for this
journey. If you consider bringing your
children along, you are wellcome to do so.

The price for full retreat program,
all hotels with breakfast, all the bus
transportations through Egypt and
all the entrance fees is € 2200.
The price does not include flight tickets and
taxi drives. You will come to Aswan on your
own accord. Please have about € 300 ready
for the local expenses. We will also practice
donations to local children and communities.
Reservation of your spot takes € 1000 by the
end of november. You will get the payment
details and interview date upon registration.

Register at:

The journey will be guided by Božena Stojanović
- living master. Meeting and working with
Božena is a very unique experience. Instant
heart opening, a lot of joy and laughter. It is truly
difficult to put it in words simply because the
experience is beyond vocabulary.

Lili is a renowned bodywork, yoga and
dearmouring practitioner and workshop
facilitator from Ljubljana. She will be in the
role of Boženas assistant, holding the group
dynamics. They are connected through female
energy and deep admiration of following one’s life




Dearmouring poseže v emotivno plast telesa in pomaga izluščiti in odpraviti vse čustvene blokade ali oklepe, ki smo si jih pridelali od rojstva naprej. Dearmouring močno vpliva na...
